Published on 23 Dec 2024

ISSF update regarding changes to ISSF Rule Book


A revised version of the ISSF Rule Book is expected before February 2025.

With the end of an Olympic Year with us, it is appropriate to inform our members of any changes that are being made to the ISSF Rule Book.

The current rule book is going through the process of updating and including minor amendments, this process is almost complete with quite a few minor changes being proposed by the various committees. However, these changes have very little impact on the Rules relating to Olympic Events for both Qualifications and Finals.

It is therefore intended to publish a revised version of the existing Rule Book around the end of January, 2025, once the proposed changes have been approved by Council.

There is however a need to review our Olympic Events, particularly relating to Finals. Having recently had the elections of all ISSF Committee members, it was felt that the new committees should carry out this review and propose any changes to the Technical Committee for final approval, once any significant changes have been tried and tested.

It is then intended that the 2025 New ISSF Rule Book will be published later in 2025, once the required process has been completed. This new rule book will then take us forward to LA2028. Therefore there will be no changes to the rules relating to the running of Olympic Events in ISSF Championships until after the approval of the 2025 new rule book, and then allowing a suitable period of time for athletes and officials to become familiar with any changes.

At the time of publication for both these stages, there will be a file available to National Federations that show all changes in red, in order that any translations can be done in the most efficient manner.