Published on 14 Jun 2023

Reminders about the risks associated with supplement use


ISSF once again reminds all its stakeholders, notably its Athletes, of the risks involved with taking supplements.

Under the strict liability principle, Athletes are responsible for any prohibited substance found in their urine samples. Unlike foods and medications, the supplement industry is subject to little government regulation making it impossible for the ISSF and other Anti-Doping Organisations to confirm whether or not a supplement contains prohibited substances. After a number of anti-doping violations related to supplement use in shooting sport and many other sports, the ISSF would like to stress to the shooting sport community the extreme risks an athlete runs when using supplements.

Under no circumstances can the ISSF confirm whether or not a supplement contains prohibited substances. The RISK IS ALWAYS YOURS.

It is ultimately the Athlete’s responsibility to ensure that any thing she or he ingests does not contain prohibited substances – failure to do so would result in fault and negligence.

What are supplements?

Supplements are sometimes referred to as nutritional/dietary supplements or natural health products. They are not classified as food or drugs and are not covered by the various national Food and Drugs Acts.

Supplements include such products as:

  • Vitamins and minerals,e.g., calcium, vitamin E

  • Some hemp products,e.g., hemp protein, hemp oil

  • Herbal remedies,e.g., arnica, echinacea

  • Homeopathic medicines,e.g., sulfur, arsenic

  • Traditional medicines and teas such as traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines

  • “Natural” products like Juglans Regia which is actually DMHAand prohibited

  • Probiotics,e.g., acidophilous, lactobacillus

  • Amino acids and essential fatty acids,e.g., glutamine, taurine

  • Protein powders,e.g., whey, hemp, soy

  • Fat burners and weight-loss products,e.g., Hydroxycut, green coffee bean extract

  • Muscle boosters and mass gainers,e.g., Jacked 3D,Hemo-Rage Black Ultra Concentrate

What are the risks associated with supplement use?

Unlike food and pharmaceutical production, the supplement industry is subject to little government regulation. Consequently supplements may:

  • Intentionally contain prohibited substances;

  • Unintentionally be contaminated with prohibited substances (e.g., contaminated source ingredients, erroneous source ingredients, cross-contamination during manufacturing); or

  • Be mislabelled.


In addition, supplements may:

  • Not accurately list the ingredients (e.g., falsify, omit);

  • Not accurately list the relative amounts of each ingredient per dose;

  • Make false certification claims (e.g., WADA-approved);

  • Make false health benefit claims (all “natural”) ; and

  • Not list important cautionary information (e.g., side-effects to health).

  • Provide false security ( “Stimulant free”’)

 The number of anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) resulting from the use of supplements demonstrates the extreme risk an athlete runs when using supplements. A positive test for an athlete who uses supplements may result in a violation regardless of how  the prohibited substance got into their body. Serious sanctions may be imposed.

Some of the biggest culprits

There has recently been an inordinate amount of ADRVs that have resulted from Athlete’s inadvertently using 4-methylhexanamine and 5-methylhexanamine. This is a specified substance and a stimulant and its use could result in a two-year sanction under the Rules.

These are stow prohibited substances is commonly added to supplements in various forms and can also be known as or likened to:

  • Demethylpentylamine

  • DMHA

  • Juglans Regia

  • Octodrine

  • 2-aminoisoheptane

  • Etc.

These are all stimulants used in pre-workout supplements and fat burners.

Many other ADRVs have arisen from the inadvertent use of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) which when they are inadvertently used by athletes who consumed supplements are even more serious because they are non specified substances for which the presumptive period of ineligibility is four years. SARMs are increasingly used as alternatives to steroids and are NOT safe to use. SARMS include among others:

  • Ligandrol * LGD4033

  • Ostarine * RAD 140

  • Andarine (S4) * Ibutamoren (MG 677)

  • Cardarine (GW501516) * Stenabolic (SR 9009)

How can Athletes minimize the risks?

Athletes have a personal responsibility to evaluate all the risks associated with the consumption of supplements before using them, and are responsible for any prohibited substance found in their sample - this is known as strict liability.  

You are directed among others to the NSF International Certified for Sport® program which helps minimize the risk of unintentional doping. NSF International's Certified for Sport® laboratory testing services help clients establish product stewardship by confirming content and purity, compliance, and assessing public safety and environmental concerns on products used by athletes.

Given the risks and dangers associated with supplement use, athletes might be better off not consuming any supplements.

If they chose to do so, only using supplements for which they have conducted in depth research and are fully satisfied they are safe to use. This is called respecting “your duty of utmost caution


Here are some basic important steps all athletes must take BEFORE taking any supplement:

  • Check the supplement website

  • Make thorough internet searches on the name of the supplement

  • Thoroughly check each ingredient on the ingredient label and cross reference to all possible information sources.

  • If a product lists its ingredients are “all natural” it does not mean it is safe. Many plants and herbs can contain prohibited agents.

  • Contact the product manufacturer to obtain assurance from them

  • Consult with your coaches, trainers, doctors,

  • Consult with your NADO

  • Consult the NSF website

  • Etc.

Other helpful resources

WADA’s global Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform. ADEL welcomes anyone who wants to learn about clean sport. Register and join ADEL to discover how we can support you. Together we can protect clean sport. Anti-Doping Education and Learning (

The Global Drug Reference Online Global DRO - Home provides athletes and support personnel with information about the prohibited status of specific medications based on the current World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List. Global DRO does not contain information on, or that applies to, any dietary supplements.


Get educated on your roles and responsibilities!

In addition to reminding you all about the risks of taking supplements, ISSF reminds all Athletes, coaches, Athlete support personnel, parents etc. that the World Anti-Doping Agency’s ADEL, Anti-Doping Education and Learning ( provides online anti-doping education in various languages with varying content. Is it not high time that you all get educated on your respective roles and responsibilities when it comes to anti-doping?


As always, you are better safe than sorry!