Published on 29 Aug 2021

Good start for 3 countries - Junior World Cup has started in Kazakhstan


The ISSF Junior World Cup is being held in Almaty, Kazakhstan from 26 August to 6 September. About 100 athletes under 21 from 10 countries of the world take part in it.

The first medals were awarded in Olympic Skeet. They were won by athletes from the Russian Federation, Italy and Cyprus.

Athletes from three countries entered the Skeet Women Junior Final: Russian Federation, Italy and Kazakhstan. The first two places were taken by Russians Anna Zhadnova and Daria Lekomtseva who won Gold and Silver respectively. Giada Longhi from Italy became the bronze medalist. For both Lekomtseva and Longhi these are the first World Cup medals.

Athletes from three countries, Cyprus, Russian Federation and Italy, took part in the Skeet Men Junior Final. For all three medalists these were the first awards at the World Cup. Gold won Giammarco Tuzi from Italy. The second and third places were taken by athletes from Cyprus - Kleanthis Varnavides and Andreas Pontikis.

The competition will continue tomorrow with Skeet Team events.