Published on 27 Mar 2021

Winners of the new event at the ISSF World Cup have been determined


First medals in the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Mixed Team event and the first award for Turkey - the ISSF World Cup continues in India.

At the World Cup Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun in New Delhi, India, medals were awarded for the first time in the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Mixed Team event.

Tejaswani TEJASWANI and Vijayveer SIDHU from India won Gold, and another Indian athletes Abhidnya Ashok PATIL and Gurpreet SINGH won Silver.

The winner Vijayveer SIDHU shared his opinion on the last start.

- I think this event will make our sport more spectacular because it’s really interesting. And it will also bring more women to 25m Rapid Fire Pistol in future. And I should say that I really enjoyed my debut World Cup.

The Trap Mixed Team was led by Italians Valerio GRAZINI and Alessia IEZZI. In a bitter struggle they defeated Adrian DROBNY and Zuzana REHAK STEFECEKOVA from Slovakia. Yavuz ILNAM and Safiye SARITURK from Turkey won Bronze and brought their country the first medal in this competition.

The last finals in new team events will take place tomorrow. Streaming is available on the ISSF Internet resources.


Photo by Prashant Kumar