Published on 27 Feb 2019

Flash news: Team India closes ISSF World Cup New Delhi atop of the Mixed Team podium

Marco Dalla Dea

Manu Bhaker and Chaudhary Saurabh won the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team match, the last final of this ISSF World Cup Stage

After 10 finals conducted in the last five days at the Dr. Karni Shooting Range of New Delhi - and broadcasted live in five continents - the 2019 ISSF World Cup in New Delhi came to an end today. 

The last event to be contested, the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team final, saw another success of Team India, that finished atop of the podium thanks to the combined efforts of Manu Bhaker and Chaudhary Saurabh. Saurabh had already won the men’s 10m Air Pistol final, here in New Delhi, on the 24th of February. 

The two teammates scored 483.4 points to finish atop of the scoreboard, beating the People’s Republic of China Team 1 (Jiang Ranxin and Zhang Bowen) and South Korea’s Team 2 (Kim Minjung and Park Daehun). 


Find the full results of the final match here: