An independent ISSF Ethics Committee, composed of three lawyers from three different countries, recently issued its decision in the case "Representatives of International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) vs Mr. Luciano Rossi”.
In June, September and October 2017, representatives of the ISSF filed complaints against Vice President Luciano Rossi alleging specific violations of the ISSF Code of Ethics. An ISSF Ethics Committee composed of three independent lawyers from different countries was appointed in accordance with the ISSF Code of Ethics to hear and decide this case.
The Ethics Committee was formally constituted on 4 December 2017 in Madrid, Spain. The Committee evaluated the complaints, received a submission by Mr. Rossi and held a hearing with Mr. Rossi in Madrid on 15 February 2018. As a result of this process, in its decision dated 27 April 2018, the Ethics Committee “concluded that the Complaints and allegations against the Defendant are predominantly justified”.
Said decision was notified to the ISSF on 22 May 2018. The operative part of the decision reads as follows (extract):
- The Defendant [Mr. Luciano Rossi] is banned from taking part in any shooting-related activities (administrative, sports and other) at national and international level for a term of thirty six (36) months as from 27th April 2018 on.
- The Defendant is suspended from office as ISSF Vice-President for a term of thirty six (36) months as from 27th April 2018 on.”
The decision has immediate legal effect.
Mr. Rossi was duly informed about the decision and the legal consequences arising from it.