Published on 01 Jul 2016

2016 ISSF General Assembly opens in Moscow (RUS)


Delegates coming from over 100 nations arrived in Moscow to take part in this year’s General Assembly.

The 2016 ISSF General Assembly is held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Moscow (RUS), on the 1st and 2nd of July 2016.


The assembly, which meets every two years, sees the participation of 169 delegates coming from 104 nations and representing 113 ISSF Member Federations


The ISSF General Assembly is called to vote on the new ISSF Constitution draft, and to approve the report of the Auditors on the ISSF accounts.


The agenda of the meetings also include the reports on the preparations of the following competitions: 2016 ISSF Running Target World Championship (Suhl, Germany, 15-23 July 2016), XXXI Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro (5-21 August 2016), 2017 ISSF Rifle and Pistol Junior World Championship (Suhl, Germany, 22-30 June 2017), 2017 ISSF Shotgun World Championship (Moscow, Russia, 20 August - 11 September 2017), 2018 ISSF World Championship in all events (Changwom, Republic of Korea, 31 August-14 September 2018), 3rd Youth Olympic Games (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1-12 October 2018), and XXXII Olympic Games (Tokyo, Japan, 24 July-9 August 2020).