Published on 02 May 2015

Event preview: Men's Trap at the ISSF Shotgun World Cup in Larnaca

Alessandro Ceschi

The closing event of the Larnaca World Cup--recap after the first day of qualification

The World Cup in Larnaca, Cyprus is off to its closing event, the men's trap.

Today was the first day of qualification, and tomorrow will feature the second from 8 am to 4:25 pm (EEST). The final will be at at 5:30 pm.

After winning a World Cup gold medal and an Olympic quota place in Al Ain, David Kostelecky of the Czech Republic closed his first qualification day in Larnaca on a score of 49 hits out of 50 targets. Kostelecky, 39, won gold at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, and ranks third in the men's trap world ranking.

Ranked fifth in the world, Great Britain's Edward Ling missed two targets today. Ling, 32, had a perfect first round--25 hits out of 25 targets--, but only hit 23 targets in his second. This is the season's first World Cup for Ling.

India's Manavjit Singh Sandhu, a 2006 World Champion and just behind Ling in the world ranking, has reached the same score of the British shooter in today's qualification--in both rounds, Sandhu hit 24 targets. The 38-year-old of India has won a World Cup stage last year in Tucson. Sandhu has also won a World Cup medal earlier this season--a bronze in Acapulco.

Australia's Michael Diamond and Croatia's Josip Glasnovic, ranked eighth and ninth worldwide, didn't miss any of their daily 50 targets.

The other shooters with perfect scores of 50 hits were Kuwait's Al Faihan, Turkey's Ilnam, Austria's Solyom, Finland's Tornroos, Serbia's Vasiljevic, and Iran's Yeganch Roohollah.

Check out more about the World Cup in Larnaca--schedule by day or by discipline, participants, and more coverage.