Published on 09 Jun 2014

ISSF World Cup in Munich: roundup after day 4

Alessandro Ceschi

Today's winners and the remaining events in the next days

Matsuda of Japan, Otryad of Mongolia and Olejnik of Slovakia were the three gold medallists in the fourth day of the ISSF World Cup Rifle / Pistol / Shotgun in Munich, Germany – respectively for 50m Pistol Men, 25m Pistol Women and Double Trap Men.

We are now halfway through the competition, as 7 out of 15 finals are gone; the other 8 will take place in the next 3 days.


Tomorrow, Tuesday, it will come to 50m Rifle Prone Men and 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men. Wednesday will show three more events: 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women, 10m Air Pistol Men and Skeet Women. Finally, on Thursday there will be 10m Air Pistol Women, 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men and Skeet Men.

Interestingly enough, today we were able to confirm that Martina Veloso, the winner of yesterday's 10m Air Rifle Women final, has indeed become the youngest ISSF World Cup medallist ever.

Besides the usual events, today there was also a presentation of the new ISSF Target Sprint, which combines running and air rifle shooting.

See the full schedule: