Published on 27 Oct 2013

Unbeatable Wenzel wins again and secures Skeet Women World Cup Title

Marco Dalla Dea

The German shooter had won the ISSF Shotgun World Championship just five weeks ago. She arrived here in Abu Dhabi as one of the favorites, and she made her way to the highest step of the podium with 72 hits in the qualifications, 15 hits in the semi-final and 15 hits in the Gold medal match.

Christine Wenzel won again. The reigning World Champion secured today the Skeet Women world cup title at the 2013 ISSF Shotgun World Cup Final in Abu Dhabi, UAE, strengthening her leadership atop of the world ranking, one month after winning the ISSF Shotgun World Championship in Lima, Peru.


The 32-year old German shooter beat Russia's Olga Panarina in the Gold medal match by 15 to 13 hits, pocketing her second World Cup Final title four years after her victory at the 2009 World Cup Final in Beijing.


Wenzel qualified for the Semi-Final with 72 hits in the qualifications, and then cleared the round with 15 hits, tied to Panarina and to Thailand's Sutiya Jiewchaloemmit. The three athletes passed through a shoot-off, won by Wenzel and Panarina, who advanced to the Gold medal match. There, Panarina missed two targets on the third station and then again one on the fifth, giving Wenzel the opportunity to win the match with ease.


The Bronze medal went to Italy's 30-year old finalist Diana Bacosi, winner of a World Cup Stage Silver medal in Acapulco, this year. Bacosi outdid Thailand's 27-year old Jiewchaloemmit in the Bronze medal match 15 to 13 hits, securing her first World Cup Final medal ever.


The second Russian finalist, Albina Shakirova, 26, placed in fifth with 14 hits in the Semi-Final, followed by Slovakia's 28-year old Olympic Bronze medallist Danka Bartekova, sixth with 13 hits.


“It feels great to win this title. It has been one of my best seasons ever!” The 2008 Olympic Bronze medallist Wenzel said after the competition.


“I had won a World Cup title also in 2009, but now it feels different. I had a baby in the meantime, and now my life is a bit different. I am struggling to organize my time to train and compete. But I have a great family supporting me, and I made it!” The German shooter said.


“Shooting is my job, and this medal rewards all the efforts I made. I will take some time off, now, before the next season.”Christine added.


“I will be preparing at my best for 2014. Then, the first Olympic Quota places for the next Games will be assigned, and my goal is definitely Rio 2016.” Wenzel concluded. After winning the World Championship, two World Cup titles and four European Championships, the Olympic Gold is really the only medal missing from her trophy showcase.