Published on 12 May 2013

Zlatic (SRB) beat Omelchuk (UKR) to win the 50m Pistol Men Final.

Marco Dalla Dea

Competing in the last pistol match of this world cup, the Serbian champion pocketed the Gold medal with 192.6 points.

Andrija Zlatic of Serbia won the last pistol match at the 2013 ISSF World Cup in Fort Benning, GA, USA.


The 35-year old 2-time Olympian finished the new ISSF 50m Pistol Final in the lead, securing the Gold medal with a final score of 192.6 points, after qualifying for the match with 567 points, earlier this morning.


Zlatic simply scored the best average, today. The Serbian finalist, ranked sixth in the word, started off with a poor 8.0 shot. But then, zeroing in, he climbed up the scoreboard piling a series of 10s and 9s which left few chances to his opponents.


Oleg Omelchuk, 29, from Ukraine, finished in second, loosing the duel against Zlatic at the last shots. Omelchuk led the final throughout the first series, closing then the match with 190.1 points and the Silver medal around his neck. And today's was his second Silver medal won here in Fort Benning, following his second place at the 10m Air Pistol Men Final, on the 7th of May.


Eliminated after the eighth series, it was Russia's Vladimir Isakov who went home with the Bronze medal. The-43 year old 2008 Olympic Bronze medallist closed the medal match with 169.5 points, leaving China's 2012 Olympic Bronze medallist Wang Zhiwei in fourth with 149.4 points.


Russia's 25-year old Leonid Ekimov made it to the final, finishing then in fifth place with 131.1 points. The young Russian shooter did not win a medal, here in Fort Benning, but he has probably been the best cross-event shooter. Ekimov shot indeed in the 10m Air Pistol Men Final (6th), and in the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Final (finishing in sixth as well).


The whole Russian pistol team achieved an overall positive result, with the third teammember Anton Gourianov placing in sixth, with 112.6 points.


Today's youngest finalist, Viktor Bankin of Ukraine, 22, who had led the qualifications with 567 points, finished in seventh place, with 92.0 points, while the first shooter to be eliminated today was China's Zhang Tian, the 2012 World Cup Final champion, who closed the round in eighth with 71.8 points.