Published on 10 May 2013

Serbia’s Arsovic again on the 50m Rifle 3 Positions podium

Marco Dalla Dea

The 26-year old sharpshooter won her second consecutive ISSF World Cup, climbing up the scoreboard during the Standing position, and beating China’s 10m Air Rifle Women winner Wu of China.

Andrea Arsovic did it again. The 26-year old Serbian shooter ranked sixth in the world, won her second consecutive 50 Rifle 3 Positions Women Gold medal.


We are in Fort Benning, GA, USA, where the second ISSF Rifle and Pistol World Cup Stage of the year is held from the 5th to the 13th of May.

Arsovic, who had already won the match at the first World Cup Stage of the season, in Changwon (KOR) in April, led the final pack, today.


The Serbian student started off the final match with a bad kneeling series, coming back then with a fair prone series. But it was during the standing position - the last phase of the medal match - that she gave her best, climbing the scoreboard up to the top.


With a last shot of 10.8 points, and a total final score of 454.2 points, Arsovic landed in first place, securing the Gold medal with 1.3 points of advantage on her follower, China’s Wu Liuxi.

"I think my smile tells more than 1001 word." Arsovic said.

"I have have been working really hard for these two world cups, and in the time between them. First, I needed to relax before this competition, and even more important, to get ready. The way my coach and I prepared for this match, shows how I can handle pressure." She added.

Wu, who had won the 10m Air Rifle Women event two days ago, placed in second with 452.9 points.

Bronze went to Germany’s Amelie Kleinmanns, 24, competing in her first ISSF final, today. The young shooter gave her best in the prone and standing positions, securing her first ISSF World Cup medal ever with 443.1 points.


Finishing only 0.7 points behind the medals, it was another first time finalist, Fabienne Fueglister, who closed the match in fourth. The 21-year old Swiss shooter scored a total of 420.9 points. She had never participated in an ISSF World Cup match, before.


Croatia’s 2008 Olympic medallist Sniezana Pejcic closed the match in fifth behind her, with 420.9 points. After shooting today’s best kneeling position in the final (155.1 points), the Croatian shooter suffered during the prone position, and was one of the first to leave the match when it was time for the eliminations.


France’s Laurence Brize, 36, placed sixth with 409.9 points, while Italy’s Petra Zublasing – who had won a 10m Air Rifle Women Bronze two days ago – placed seventh with 398.7 points. Finland’s Marjo Yli-Kiikka closed the match in eighth and last place with 398.3 points.