Published on 27 May 2010

50m Rifle 3 Positions Men – Gold and Silver to USA

Marco Dalla Dea

The host country ruled the 50m Rifle Three Positions Men event, placing two shooters, Emmons and Parker, on the first two steps of the podium. Italy’s Campriani followed in third winning his second ISSF World Cup medal.

“It’s simply great to win a World Cup Gold medal in your home country.” Said today’s 50m Rifle Three Position Gold medallist, Matthew Emmons, the world’s top ranked shooter in this event who claimed today’s Gold with a total score of 1276.6 points.

Qualified in first place with the top score of 1178 points, the 2004 and 2008 Olympic medallist Emmons shot 98.6 points during the final, ending up in first place in spite of last shot of 8.9 points.

The American shooter, who had won the first World Cup Gold medal of the season in Sydney (AUS), will now compete in the next World Cup Stage in Serbia, on the path leading to the 50th ISSF World Championship in all events.

The ISSF World Championship is the most important competition of the season. The first 2012 Olympic Quotas are going to be assigned there, and I am really looking forward to it.” Said Emmons “It’s not going to be easy, I know they expect a great turnout of athletes there.”

Following him today, his 35-year old teammate Jason Parker, a long-experienced world cup competitor, placed in second, securing Silver with a total score of 1274.1 points. Qualified in third place with 1174 points, Parker climbed up in second by scoring 100.2 points throughout the final, overtaking Italy’s Nicolò Campriani, who landed in third place.

Campriani, a 22-year old Italian shooter studying and training at the West Virginia University in USA, ended up in third securing Bronze with 1272.5 points, loosing Silver after scoring a disappointing 6.9 points on his last competition shot.

“We have been shooting together in Ft. Benning many times, and it is always a great experience to be here. I am extremely happy to share the podium with Jason Parker and with Nico Campriani. Nico is one of my favourite young shooters, he has all the pieces to become a champion.” Said the Gold medallist Emmons, who had several chances to train and compete shoulder and shoulder with the Italian athlete.

The 2009 Shooter of the Year, Peter Sidi of Hungary, placed in fifth with a total score of 1269.7 points, following Czech Republic’s Vaclav Haman, who ended up in fourth after shooting today’s highest final score, 101.3 points, for a total score of 1271.3 points.