Published on 26 May 2009

25m Pistol Women – Dorjsuren brought German’s flag on the podium

Marco Dalla Dea

Munkhbayar DORJSUREN won her second 2009 World Cup series medal by leading the 25m Pistol Women final match at the world cup stage of Milan. The German shooter preceded on the podium China’s YUAN and Australia’s YAUHLEUSKAYA.

Beijing’s Olympic Bronze medallist Munkhbayar DORJSUREN, shooting for Germany, won the 25m Pistol Women event at the ISSF World Cup stage in Milan, Italy, with 789.9 (589+200.9) points.

DORJSUREN, 39, secured her second medal of the season, following the Bronze won in Munich last week. The German athlete can be considered an expert of the Milan’s shooting range: here DORJSUREN has won five different ISSF World Cup Gold medals, two Silvers and one Bronze, in the last 12 years.

Managing the 5-point qualification’s head start she had, DORJSUREN kept behind her the Chinese shooter YUAN Jing, who finished in second place.

In spite of shooting the highest score in the final round (205.4 points), the 22-year old Chinese shooter finished in second securing Silver with a score of 789.4 points, due to a lower qualification score of 584 points. She had won Gold at the third world cup stage of the year in Munich, Germany.

Lalita YAUHLEUSKAYA of Australia secured today’s Bronze medal by climbing thanks to an excellent final round of 205.2 points. The 45-year old athlete won today’s medal with a total score of 785.2 (580+205.2) points, securing her second podium following the Silver medal she won at April’s world cup stage of Beijing.

The 1988 Olympic Champion, Georgia’s Nino SALUKVADZE placed in fourth with 783.9 (584+199.9), preceding the 2004 Olympic Silver medallist Lenka MARUSKOVA who placed in fifth with 782.7 (581+ 201.7) points.

The 28-year old Spanish shooter Sonia FRANQUET placed in sixth by outdoing 52.8 to 50.2 points Bulgaria’s Maria GROZDEVA in a shoot-off.