Published on 25 May 2009

50m Rifle 3 Positions M – HE won his second consecutive Gold

Marco Dalla Dea

China’s HE Zhaohui keeps on winning, pocketing his second consecutive Gold medal in the 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men event out of two world cup stages. The hosting country Italy celebrated the Silver medal won by the 21-year old first time finalist Campriani.

Gold to China’s HE Zhaohui
HE Zhaohui of the People’s Republic of China, 19, won his second consecutive world cup medal by winning the 50m Rifle Three Positions men event at the ISSF World Cup of Milan.

The keen Chinese shooter, who had debuted in the ISSF World Cup series in Beijing last April, left no chances to his opponents, qualifying in first place with 1181 points and 8 points of advantage over the other finalists.

With a fantastic final round of 103.8 points, for a total score of 1284.8 points, HE won his second consecutive world cup Gold medal in this event following the one he won in Munich last week.

Italy celebrated Campriani’s first podium
Silver went to the Italian shooter Niccolò CAMPRIANI, 21-year old, who had never made into a 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men final round before. The young home shooter qualified in second place with 1173 points, winning Silver with a total score of 1269.6 points after an intense duel against Sweden’s JOHANSON.

Bronze to Sweden’s Johanson
Anders JOHANSON, 39, entered today his first ISSF final round ever. Facing the pressure of the match, the Swedish athlete battled right to the last shot against Italy’s Campriani in the fight for Silver. Finishing with 1268.5 (1172+96.5) points, 0.9 points less then what scored by the Italian finalist, the Johanson placed in third and pocketed Bronze, his first international medal.  

Behind them, the second Chinese finalist, Lei ZHANG, climbed from the seventh to the fourth position, closing the match with a total of 1265.4 points. Following in fifth place, Russia’s Alexei KAMENSKI shot a total of 1264.9 points. At the same time, Norway’s Ole Magnus BAKKEN finished in sixth place with 1264.6 points after scoring a final round of 92.6 points.

The next final
The next event, the 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women final round, will tale place tomorrow at 12.00 Milan time (GMT/UTC+2).