Published on 15 Jan 2023

Prize Money President’s Cup 2022


Prize Money President’s Cup 2022


The ISSF has unfortunately been informed that athletes which competed in the President’s Cup 2022 have not received yet the promised prize money.


According to the General Information for the President’s Cup 2022 established and published by the former ISSF leadership such prize money was supposed to be paid by a Sponsor of the event upon sending the available Prize Money Form filled to the email address


However, it has been reported to us that no payment has been made and that athletes have been referred to the ISSF.


The ISSF is currently investigating this matter at full speed with the aim that all participating athletes are going to receive the promised prize money as soon as possible.


For this reason, we kindly ask all entitled athletes which until today did not receive the prize money to inform the ISSF accordingly and to send their submitted Prize Money Forms with the reply to the following email address:


The ISSF legal department is going to send an official request to the Prize Money Sponsor which seems to refuse its obligation and possibly has to start legal action to collect all amounts as soon as possible for our athletes.