Published on 30 May 2019

India take fifth gold at Munich World Cup


Manu Bhaker and Chaudhary Saurabh extended India’s winning streak in the last final of ISSF World Cup in Munich when they triumphed in the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team match.

It was Saurabh’s second gold of the week, having already won the men's final, breaking his own world record. Team India also added a silver in Munich to take their overall haul to 5 gold medals and 1 silver.

Ukraine were unable to beat the Indian teeangers; former Olympic Champion Olena Kostevych and Oleh Omelchuk weren’t able to make their experience count.

The bronze medals went to Qian Wang and Meng Yi Wang of China after a tense match against Poland’s Natalia Krol and Szymon Wojtyna. The scores were tied at 14-14 before the last series went the Chinese team’s way.