Published on 30 Nov 2018

Alexander Ratner elected ISSF Secretary General

Marco Dalla Dea

The Russian sports manager will work with the newly elected ISSF President Vladimir Lisin

Alexander Ratner (RUS) is the new ISSF Secretary General. He won the votes of the ISSF General Assembly meeting in Munich, Germany, today. 


With 161 votes out of 290, Mr. Ratner beat two other candidates: Ms. Melis Giraud of Turkey (85 votes) and Mr. Javaid S. Lhodi of Pakistan (36 votes). Two other candidates, Mr. György Nagy of Hungary and Mr. Hamed Safeeldin of Sudan withdrew.


Ratner takes the seat held by Germany’s Franz Schreiber since 2010. Schreiber did not seek re-election, as he retired today after his report to the General Assembly. 


Mr. Ratner (63) is a Russian-born sports manager with a German citizenship. He holds a Ph.D in Physical Culture and Sports, and has a long experience in sports organizations, as his career started as a member of the Organizing Committee for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. From 1996 to 2017 he has been leading the Russian Baseball Federation (as vice-president from 1996 to 2009 and then as president from 2009 to 2017), an experience that lifted him to the vice-presidency of the European Baseball Confederation (2001-2013) and to become a member of the International Baseball Federation Executive Board (2001-2005) and their Treasurer in 2005-2006. In 2013 he became the Secretary General of the European Shooting Confederation, and in 2014 a Member of the ISSF Administrative Council. Mr. Ratner’s commitment to the sport extended also to the International Olympic Committee, as he worked with IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch for 25 years, and served as a member of the IOC Press Commission (1997-2013), of the “Sport for All” Commission (2014-2015) and of the “Sport and Active Society” Commission (2016- onward). He received the Olympic Order in 2001. 


Alexander Ratner will work at the side of the newly elected ISSF President, Mr. Vladimir Lisin, who was entrusted by the General Assembly earlier today. The two have already been working together at the European Shooting Confederation, in the same roles, throughout the last five years. 


In his speech before the vote, Mr. Ratner said: 


“Our experience in the European Shooting Confederation proves that we are a team and we work well together, in the interest of our members.”


“The mission of the Secretary General is to serve the ISSF, the member federations and the President. The mission is to fulfill your decisions,” he added, addressing the General Assembly. 


“I am willing to do everything we can to move forward so that shooting remains one of the most important sports in the world.”


The ISSF General Assembly continues now, as the delegates are called to elected the four ISSF Vice-Presidents, the new ISSF Administrative Committee, the Chairmen of the Sections Committees (Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Running Target, Judges, Statutes and Eligibility, Medical), the Auditors, and the ISSF Honorary Members.


On the agenda of the delegates there are also the approval of the ISSF’s financial statements, a proposal for amendments to the ISSF Constitution, and - on day-2, 1st of December - the decision on the country to organize the 2019 ISSF Shotgun World Championship, and several other regulatory and administrative decisions.