Published on 25 Jun 2017

Korean 19-year-old Choe Boram pockets the Gold, sets a new Junior World Record

Marco Vettoretti

After claiming the Junior Silver medal at the 2014 ISSF World Championship in Granada (ESP), Choe climbed atop the podium in Suhl (GER), overtaking Ukraine’s Pavlo Korostylov at the last shot. Italy’s Paolo Monna placed 3rd and pocketed the Bronze.

Sealing his comeback with an almost-perfect 10.8 on his 24th and last shot, Republic of Korea’s Choe Boram bested the Silver medal he obtained three years ago at the ISSF World Championship in Granada (ESP), becoming the new Junior World Champion in the men’s 10m Air Pistol event.


Thanks to that 10.8, the 19-year-old Korean overtook Ukraine’s Pavlo Korostylov, Gold medalist at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing (CHN), who led the table for most of the match, but closed his match with a bad 9.2, eventually pocketing the Silver with 239.9 points.


The podium was completed by Italy’s 19-year-old Paolo Monna, who struggled in the early stages of the final, but avoided being eliminated after the 12th shot and climbed up to the 3rd place, where he grabbed the Bronze medal with 218.3 points.


Monna was followed by India’s 15-year-old Chaudhary Saurabh, the youngest participant, who placed 4th with 198.0.


A bad sixth series forced Russian Federation’s 18-year-old Anton Aristarkhov to leave the competition after shot number 18. The current Junior European Champion, in fact, fired a disappointing double-8.7 that sealed his 5th place and his score of 174.6 points.


International debutants Sung Yunho (17) of the Republic of Korea and Aedan David Evans (20) of Great Britain celebrated their first participation with a final appearance, respectively placing 6th with 156.4 points and 7th with 135.3.


18-year-old Alexander Petrov, the second Russian Federation’s finalist, finished in 8th place, being eliminated after shot number 12 with 115.9 points.


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