Published on 21 Mar 2015

Al Ain's Trap Women: Italy's Stanco and San Marino's Perilli claimed Olympic Quotas

Marco Dalla Dea

Italy's Silvana Stanco won the first Gold medal of the ISSF World Cup in Al Ain (UAE), beating San Marino's Alessandra Perilli in the Trap Women Gold medal match. Both Italy and San Marino earned an Olympic Quota Place, a ticket to Rio 2016.

The 2015 ISSF Shotgun World Cup in Al Ain (UAE), kicked off today, as the first medal match, the Trap Women Finals, took place at the Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting and Gold Club.


It was Italy's 22-year old Silvana Stanco who won the first Gold medal of the event, beating San Marino's Alessandra Perilli, and securing the first Rio 2016 Olympic Quota Place.


After a slow start, Stanco zeroed in and placed among the bests at the end of the semi-final (13 hits). Then, she won the three-way shoot-off accessing the Gold medal, where she met and beat Perilli by 11 to 10 hits, finishing atop of the podium.


It was Stanco's major win in career. The 22-year old shooter had already claimed an ISSF World Cup Gold in Nicosia (CYP) back in 2013, but she had never pocketed an Olympic quota spot before.


Stanco said: “It feels great, but I still don't know if I will be going to Rio. The Quota goes to my nation, and I will have to earn a spot in the Olympic team.”


“I was a bit nervous, I admit it, especially going trough the shoot-off to access the Gold medal match. But that's normal, I guess.”


“I will go back home, work hard to make the team for the forthcoming international events.” Stanco added, smiling after the award ceremony.


San Marino's Alessandra Perilli, 26, currently ranked 10th in the world, ended up in second place (semifinal: 14 hits, final: 10 hits), but she won the applauses of the spectators as she pocketed the second Olympic Quota to be assigned today.


That's indeed the news: San Marino goes to Rio. The so called “Republic of the Titano”, named after the rock that dominates the country, is one of the smallest nations of the world, with its 32.000 inhabitants and an extension of 61 square kilometers. Shooting ranks as national sport there, and hopes for the country's first Olympic medal are now on Perilli.


The 26-year old athlete had already participated in the 2012 London Olympics, where she placed in fourth, achieving San Marino's best placement ever in the history of the Games. So far.


Following the two Olympic Quota winners, the the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Silver medallist Zuzana Rehak Stefecekova of Slovakia, 31, finished on the third step of the podium, beating New Zeland's 26-year old Natalie Ellen Rooney in the Bronze medal match by 12 to 11 hits.


The 2008 Olympic Champion Satu Makela-Nummela, 44, from Finland, closed the match in fifth with a semi-final score of 13+1 hits, after loosing a shoot-off to access the medal matches against Stanco (13+6 hits), Stefecekova (13+5 hits) and Rooney (13+5 hits).


China's Weiyun Deng, 19, who had made the finals also in Acapulco at the inaugural World Cup of the season two weeks ago, followed them in sixth place with 11 qualification hits.


The ISSF World Cup in Al Ain (UAE) is held at the Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting and Gold Club from the 19th through the 29th of March. The next medals and Olympic quotas will be assigned tomorrow, March 22, at the Trap Men Finals. Watch the match live on