Published on 05 Jul 2013

Olympic Silver Stefecekova won the Trap Women final “Good test for 2014”

Marco Dalla Dea

The Slovakian Olympian beat China's Wang Yi Wenn to secure the first Gold of Granada. A great result, and a good chance to try the range that will be used at next year's ISSF World Championship.

Slovakia's two-time Olympic Silver medallist Zuzana Stefecekova won today's Skeet Women event, the first competition of the 2013 ISSF Wolrd Cup in Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun event in Granada, Spain.


Stefecekova had to fight hard to finished atop of the podium. The Slovakian champion qualified with 72 hits out of 75 targets and had to pass through a shoot-off to access the final phases of the competition. Then, she led the semi-finals with a score of 14 hits out of 15 targets, in spite of the wind.


During the Gold medal match, the 29-year old athlete proved once again to be one of the best trap shooters of the world by finishing on the highest step of the podium with 13 hits after a close duel against China's Wang Yi Wen (second with 12 hits).


“Finally! I have been competing here five or six times in my career. I know this range very well.” Stefecekova said.


“The wind did not bother me. I saw the clays surfing on the wind, but I told myself I should not warry about it. I concentrated on each target, and I made it!”


USA's 2008 Olympic Bronze medallist Corey Cogdell, 26, secured the Bronze medal after equalling the world record (75 hits) during the qualifications.


To finish on the podium, Cogdell met and beat the home shooter Fatima Galvez, 26 in the Bronze medal match. The two athletes finished the semi-finals tied with 10 hits each, and then tied again at the end of the medal match with 11 hits each. Cogdell zeroed in, and won the sudden-death shoot-off outscoring her Spanish opponent 8 to 7 hits.


The second US shooter, 18-year old first-time finalist Ashley Carroll, placed in fifth with 8 hits in the semi-final, followed by New Zeland's 25-year old Natalie Ellen Rooney who closed the match in sixth place with 7 hits.


Was the first final a good test for next year's ISSF World Championship? The winner had no doubts. “I am really looking forward to the 2014 World Championship, which should be held here.” Stefecekova said. “That will probably be my first chance to pocket an Olympic Quota place, a qualification spot for the 2016 Games. The range is really ok, the targets are great, and I hope I will be able to repeat today's performance... ”