Published on 20 Mar 2013

Spotlights on Youth - Rupert: 'Double Trap is quick 'n easy, love this game'

Alessandro Ceschi - Marco Dalla Dea

The 19-year-old Ian Rupert, from Pennsylvania, was the youngest competitor in the Double Trap Men event that gave him a Bronze medal. “Double Trap is quick and easy!” the young athlete said.

“It feels great, I'm really excited. ” Those were Ian Rupert's first words after winning the Bronze medal match at the ISSF World Cup in Acapulco, outdoing India’s Asab Mohd with a score of 25 to 24 hits.


Ian Rupert had probably realized earlier in the match that it was a good day. Especially when he qualified to the finals setting a new World Record of 136 hits. After that, he reached the fourth place in the Semi-Final, with 24 hits out of 30 targets, making his path to the Bronze medal.


“Facing all these champions is really great – said Rupert -, it's a big honour for me. There are some really qualified shooters out here.”


Nonetheless, he stepped up onto the podium with some of those athletes. He did that with ease, as only a 19-year-old guy can do. “Double Trap? It's quick and easy. I like shooting lots of targets, so that's what best suits me.” He explained, talking about why he chose the Double Trap discipline.


Rupert had finished in the spotlights three years ago, at the 2010 and 2011 ISSF World Championships, when he had placed in sixth and seventh place in the junior category. Today’s was his first time in a final phase of a seniors’ competition. First try, first podium.


His secret is very simple: lot of work. “I do train a lot. Recently I went down to Fort Benning, Georgia with my team for a couple of weeks – explained Rupert -, and I got a lot of good training there. The weather was pretty warm, while back home (Central Pennsylvania, Ed.) we got 4 inches of snow right now so training is pretty difficult.”


Ian is shooting, with the same positive attitude and curiosity which made him start shooting about 10 years ago. “I started following my family. At first it was not competitive, - said Ian - just target shooting here and there. Now I really enjoy this sport!”


Next appointments? “As it's right now, I'm looking towards our spring selection in May, but I'm not looking any further now. One competition at a time!”


That’s Ian Rupert: working a lot to make the US proud, one competition at a time.